There are two kinds of storefronts on this stretch of Detroit’s West ¬McNichols Road: Boarded-up and “Why isn’t this boarded up?” Most of the one- and two-story buildings are clad in drab painted plywood or the gunmetal gray of security shutters. At 10:30 on a Thursday morning, the liquor store on the corner of San Juan is the only business with noticeable traffic—¬unless you count the one being run out of the Honda coupe idling at a bus stop. The driver is conducting a cash-for–something-in-a-sandwich-bag transaction with a passerby, both of them oblivious to the horn blasts from the westbound Number 30 whose space they occupy.
It’s a tableau that epitomizes what people who don’t live in Detroit imagine when they think about Detroit. It’s the picture you might conjure when you read that the city’s population has shrunk by 60% since World War II, or when you see 50th-anniversary remembrances of the riots of 1967. It’s an almost-perfect image of Rust Belt stagnation; the only detail missing from the stereotype is that none of the shuttered stores is actually on fire.
But the real Detroit is not a blank canvas for apocalyptic visions of decline—and neither is McNichols Road. Along with nearby Livernois Avenue, McNichols is a main artery of a residential area that has stayed healthy through all of Detroit’s well-publicized woes. It’s within walking distance of thousands of middle-income households—and within six blocks of two college campuses and a hospital, “anchor employers” supporting decent-paying jobs.
底特律巴格利社区的房子。摩根大通投资的一个项目打算将附近破败的零售区变成步行可及的迷你商区。照片:Marvin Shaouni
梅琳达·克莱蒙斯带我们向北走了几个街区,来到拐角处的一座大型建筑。这里曾是一家B. Siegel百货商店。即便是在有“时尚大道”之称的利沃诺斯大街上,这间百货商店也一度称得上地标性建筑。不过B. Siegel百货商店早在20世纪70年代就关门了。最近租下这个地方的是一间一元店,老板2005年跑路后,这个地方已经空置了十多年。克莱蒙斯负责的一个项目致力于将这个地方改造成一个“迷你社区”——上面是朝阳的两室一厅,一栋10户,下面是一排临街的餐厅和商店。克莱蒙斯的童年就是在这里度过的。她在楼上用手势指点江山,暗示着这里昔日的繁华和如今的潜力:这里是餐厅、这里是假发商店和服装店……她笑着说:“如果你住在这儿,这些就都能拥有了。”
That’s why a coalition of Detroiters wants to turn this unlikely tract into an economic hub—part of a “20-¬minute neighborhood” where residents could find shopping, restaurants, recreation, and jobs within a short walk from their homes. A developer plans to take over more than 100 abandoned houses and renovate or replace them, creating mixed-income housing along a “greenway” park that will link the college campuses. And nonprofit groups are acquiring some of these blank-faced storefronts, aiming to remake them to host small businesses owned by local entrepreneurs who would hire locally—creating opportunities where they’ve long been absent.
A few blocks north, Melinda Clemons shows off a bigger building on a corner lot. This was once a B. Siegel department store, the centerpiece of a stretch of Livernois known as the Avenue of Fashion. B. Siegel closed in the 1970s; the last tenant, a dollar store, fled in 2005. But Clemons is overseeing a project that could turn this vacant hulk into its own mini-neighborhood: a cluster of 10 sunny two-bedroom lofts, sitting atop a parade of street-level restaurants and boutiques. Clemons, who spent her toddler years nearby, gestures down a scrappy block lined with diners, wig shops, and clothing stores that hint at the neighborhood’s prosperous past and present potential. “You could live here,” she says with a grin, “and you’d have all this.”
It takes a village to rebuild a city, and the list of people and businesses collaborating on Detroit’s recovery is long. But the planning underway in Livernois/McNichols, and in a growing roster of other neighborhoods, reflects the expertise and financial clout of one corporation in particular: JPMorgan Chase. CEO Jamie Dimon’s financial powerhouse is the largest bank in Detroit, with a titanic 65% market share in consumer banking. Since 2014, the company has been doubling down on that relationship, in a daring experiment to help revitalize Detroit’s middle-class core.
The bank’s effort, called Invested in Detroit, is a ¬neighborhood-by-neighborhood campaign to revive local real estate, launch small businesses, and train residents for in-demand jobs—all at the same time, as quickly as possible. “If you don’t have jobs, you don’t have housing,” ¬Dimon tells Fortune in an interview at JPMorgan Chase’s New York headquarters. “If you don’t have housing, people can’t get to their jobs. If people don’t have skills, people can’t buy homes. You’ve got to make progress on all these fronts.”
摩根大通帮助底特律解决了一些棘手的经济挑战。戴蒙表示:“我们可以每年在三四个地方推广‘底特律模式’,然后在另外十个地方推广‘简化版的底特律模式’”。照片:Ben Baker
要在这些方面取得进展,既离不开一个长袖善舞的牵头者,也需要一群精心挑选的合作伙伴。摩根大通并没有直接掏钱盖公寓或是给新培训的卡车司机发工资,不过正是它的投资才使后续的这些发展成为可能。目前摩根大通已经向该项目投资了1.5亿美元,同时部署了一支轮换团队,帮助底特律的改革派市长麦克·杜根以及当地的非盈利组织决定对哪些社区和产业进行改造升级。决定相关投资去向的也是这些利益相关方和非盈利组织。比如Capital Impact Partners公司的底特律市场总监梅琳达·克莱蒙斯就是摩根大通团队的成员之一。她表示:“我们有一些其他大公司没有的信息。”正是这些信息,使一些本来无法获得投资的当地企业得到了急需的投资——这些企业原本得不到投资的原因可能是多方面的,有经验不足这样的简单原因,也有底特律根深蒂固的种族歧视倾向这种复杂原因。
Making progress involves a deft dance with carefully chosen partners. JPMorgan Chase isn’t directly paying for a thicket of new apartments or a cohort of newly trained truck drivers—but it’s putting up the money to make those efforts possible. The bank has committed $150 million to the project, while deploying a rotating team to help Detroit’s reformist mayor, Mike Duggan, and local nonprofits decide which neighborhoods and industries to saturate. It’s those stakeholders who ultimately decide where the money goes. “We have the intelligence that larger organizations may not have,” says Clemons, the Detroit Market Lead at Capital Impact Partners, one of the bank’s teammates. And that intelligence is steering funds to businesses that wouldn’t otherwise qualify for them—for reasons as simple as inexperience, or as complicated as Detroit’s legacy of racial discrimination.
The program may lift up the needy, but it isn’t charity. JPMorgan Chase wants to foster businesses with the skills to pay the bills—with interest. Some 55% of the money it has distributed to date has been made up of loans, says Peter Scher, the bank’s head of corporate responsibility. Give a woman a fish, and she’ll eat for a day. Teach her how to fish, and then lend her money to build a fish-and-chips restaurant, and you’ve gone beyond philanthropy—you’re doing good while doing good business.
And the business case for investing in Detroit looks increasingly strong to Dimon. Since the financial crisis, the CEO has become convinced that the gap separating lesser-skilled workers from good job opportunities has itself become a drag on economic growth, nationwide. Do more to close that gap—by fostering small businesses and training workers—and you build a virtuous circle, where more people with stable incomes foster greater prosperity. If that means more entrepreneurs and would-be homebuyers become creditworthy borrowers, JPMorgan Chase wins too. In the Detroit metro area, where the bank has $20 billion in deposits, “We’re gaining share,” Dimon notes. “Chase is the home bank.” Imagine the returns that those $20 billion could earn in a faster-growing local economy, and a $150 million investment in city-building becomes more than simple altruism.
西麦克尼克斯路曾经是巴格利社区的主要商区。摩根大通的一个项目致力于让这里再次复兴。照片:Marvin Shaouni
戴蒙是此次灾难的亲历者之一。他从八十年代起就在这座城市的商界里打拼。戴蒙曾经当过第一银行(Bank One,总部在芝加哥)的CEO,当时的第一银行还是底特律最大的借贷行。后来在戴蒙的主导下,摩根大通于2004年与第一银行合并,并继承了其业务。“我们认为,底特律早已积重难返,这场灾难其实已经酝酿了很多年了。”
Last summer, JPMorgan Chase gave Fortune a closer look at the work it’s supporting—a string of small projects whose cumulative impact is large. Scher’s team calculates that Invested in Detroit has created or preserved nearly 1,700 jobs, financed about 100 new businesses, and reached some 15,000 people through training programs. In a city with unemployment above 10%, those numbers represent real progress. More important, they’re a proof of concept. Thanks to Detroit, the bank is confident that this full-court-press approach is a blueprint that could work across the country—and in the next few months, they’ll be taking components of the Motown model nationwide.
You can frame the magnitude of Detroit’s decline with a single statistical juxtaposition: Today, the city has about 675,000 residents, down from 1.8 million in 1950. By the Eisenhower era, the automakers and defense contractors who had fueled Detroit’s boom were already adopting new technology that enabled them to shrink their workforces. Manufacturers moved to suburbs or other states with ample space for new, more efficient factories, and over time, tens of thousands of workers followed the companies out of town.
Racial discrimination, baked into local politics and institutions, burdened those who stayed. Many Detroit suburbs maintained a de facto segregation that kept African-American workers from going where the jobs were. Meanwhile, “redlining” by banks—the practice of classifying minority-dominated neighborhoods as too dangerous for lending—kept black families from building wealth through home equity, and starved entrepreneurs of capital, even as “white flight” made Detroit a majority-black city.
Civil rights advances in the 1960s and 1970s lowered some barriers, but the erosion continued. The city took a decisive kick in the teeth from the 2007–09 financial crisis, which not only drove General Motors and Chrysler into bankruptcy, but exposed how many Detroit homeowners held subprime mortgages. Some 140,000 Detroit homes were foreclosed on between 2005 and 2014, according to research firm RealtyTrac, shredding the city’s already decimated tax base and helping precipitate its own bankruptcy.
Among those witnessing this train wreck was Dimon, who’s been doing business in the city since the 1980s. When Dimon became CEO of Chicago-based Bank One, that institution was Detroit’s biggest lender. JPMorgan Chase inherited that mantle when Dimon engineered its merger with Bank One, in 2004. “We’ve been watching Detroit be an accident waiting to happen for years,” he says.
图为Capital Impact公司的梅琳达·克莱蒙斯。Capital Impact公司主要负责将融资拨给无法正常取得银行贷款的企业。摩根大通建立了一支基金,帮助Capital Impact公司为底特律的房地产项目提供资本。照片:Marvin Shaouni
戴蒙不光赶上了底特律的衰落,也赶上了它的复兴。2006年,底特律为了承办第40届“超级碗”杯而在市中心修建了福特体育场,这在一定程度上刺激了市区的重新开发。2011年,快速贷款公司(Quicken Loans)的董事长丹·吉尔伯特将公司总部从利沃尼亚市郊搬到了离底特律市政厅只有几步之遥的马修斯公园。自此,快速贷款公司和吉尔伯特的另一家房地产开发公司——底特律Bedrock公司对底特律市中心进行了不少改造,这两家公司斥资25亿美元,收购和开发了100多处地产。Bedrock公司总裁丹·马伦曾这样描述过公司的哲学:“只要在一个地区建立足够的密度,直到它向四周爆炸辐射,然后这密度本身就会带来销路。”还有一些《财富》500强公司,比如汽车座椅生产商Adient和微软等等,也被这里的人流吸引,在底特律市中心开设了办事处,随之而来的是数千名知识工人。
如果你现在到底特律市中心转转,或是坐上快速贷款公司投资建设的有轨电车“Q Line”沿着伍德沃德大道去市中心,一路上你会看见不少都市白领喜欢的高档住宅、品牌专卖店和休闲娱乐场所。John Varvatos和Warby Parker这种时尚潮牌应有尽有。下了公寓楼,走几步便是一片老式的棒球场。当然,这里也少不了能喝鸡尾酒的高档餐厅。
But Dimon also had a front-row seat for a revival. ¬Detroit built Ford Field, a downtown stadium, to host Super Bowl XL in 2006. That helped spark some downtown redevelopment, and the movement gained momentum in 2011, when Quicken Loans Chairman Dan Gilbert moved his headquarters from suburban Livonia to Campus Martius Park, steps from city hall. Since then, Quicken and Gilbert’s development company, Bedrock Detroit, have reshaped downtown, spending some $2.5 billion to acquire and develop more than 100 properties. Dan Mullen, president of Bedrock, describes its philosophy as, “Create enough density in one area until it busts at the seams, and then that density sells itself.” Other Fortune 500 companies—from car-seat maker Adient to Microsoft—have been drawn by the critical mass, establishing offices downtown, and several thousand knowledge workers have moved there too.
Visit the central city now, or take the Quicken-funded “Q Line” up Woodward Avenue to Midtown, and you’ll see the kinds of homes, brands, and amenities that white-collar hipsters love. John Varvatos? Warby Parker? Got ’em. An old-fashioned ballpark you can walk to from your loft? Check. Restaurants where the cocktails come with a single, huge ice cube? Roger that.
This vision of recovery is buzzy, fun—and incomplete. In a city where only 13% of working-age residents have a bachelor’s degree, the benefits of an influx of finance and tech jobs only stretch so far. Mayor Duggan is adamant that he doesn’t want a stratified city. “I’ve studied closely what happened in Washington, D.C.,” he tells Fortune. “My daughter lives in Brooklyn. I’ve studied what happened there. We are adopting strategies so that doesn’t happen.” But how could you spread downtown’s recovery through the city’s sprawl of blue- and pink-collar neighborhoods? How could you keep Detroit’s boom from replicating America’s economic divide?
Duggan had some ideas—and so did JPMorgan Chase.
利沃诺斯大道上的老店。照片:Marvin Shaouni
这也反映了底特律陷入持续衰落的恶性循环背后的经济原理。按照法律规定,大多数银行在贷款时都要保持一定的“贷款价值比”,也就是贷款额与担保物价值的比例,这个比例必须低于一定的门槛——通常是80%。然而底特律大部分地区的房价跌得极惨,大多数房地产项目很容易就会打破这个上限。也就是说,建筑这些房产所花的成本,可能要比它建好后的售价还要高。出于同样的原因,当地企业家们也很难凑够一笔抵押品来申请贷款。不过快速贷款公司(Quicken Loans)并不存在这样的困难,它早期在底特律市中心的几笔投资都是自己掏的腰包。对于底特律的其他大公司来说,要找一家愿意提供贷款的银行也非难事。但小企业和本地的房地产开发公司就没有这么幸运了。
Detroit’s reemergence coincided with a philosophical shift at the bank. It’s already a formidable donor: In 2016, it gave $250 million to nonprofits. But after the financial crisis, its leadership began considering how to make that money count for more. Under Peter Scher, it retooled its giving to tackle economic insecurity itself—focusing on small-business expansion, job-skills training, neighborhood development, and financial counseling. In 2012, about 40% of JPMorgan Chase’s corporate giving was devoted to those four pillars, Scher says; today, it’s 95%. It’s an approach that leverages what banks already do well—lending people capital, and giving them advice about how to deploy it.
In late 2013, this model was new for the bank. But Dimon and Scher saw in Detroit an ideal laboratory for it. There was rare harmony between Duggan—an energetic, bulldozer Democrat who had just won an election, amazingly, as a write-in candidate—and Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder, a Republican. “All they spoke about was, ‘We need jobs, we need housing, we need to turn the lights on,’ ” Dimon recalls. “Not the ideological yelling and screaming.” Detroit’s exit from bankruptcy enabled the city to shed some of its elephantine debt obligations and dedicate more tax revenue to improving the city. Most important: Scher and Duggan found they shared many beliefs about neighborhood-building and economic empowerment. By July 2014, JPMorgan Chase had put $100 million on the table for Invested in Detroit.
It’s fair to ask why JPMorgan Chase, a bank that generated $106 billion in revenue in 2016, wasn’t already lending like crazy to Detroit’s entrepreneurs. The answer was that it essentially couldn’t—because those borrowers weren’t “bankable.”
That fact reflects the self-perpetuating math of Detroit’s decline. Most banks are required by law to keep “loan-to-value ratios”—the ratio of the loan amount to the estimated worth of the project it funds—below a certain threshold, typically 80%. But property values in most of Detroit have sunk so far that most real-estate projects easily break that ceiling; by definition, they would cost more to build than they would be worth once completed. For similar reasons, entrepreneurs can seldom scrape together collateral for a loan. Quicken Loans didn’t face this problem—its early downtown investments were self-financed. And Detroit’s big corporations can almost always find lenders. But small businesses and local developers are often stymied.
利沃诺斯大道上的新店铺。摩根大通资助了一些新的小企业,让他们在那些挺过了底特律的历次风暴的零售中心附近经营。照片:Marvin Shaouni
“有色企业家基金”(Entrepreneurs of Color Fund)就是致力于这项工作的组织之一,它是由底特律发展基金会(DDF)创办的。自2015年创立以来,该基金会已经向47名借款人发放了420万美元贷款。DDF理事长雷伊·沃特斯表示:“他们之中的95%通过正常渠道是拿不到银行贷款的。”沃特斯会帮助他们制订商业计划,然后为他们提供会计和营销方面的培训,好将他们的业务做大做久。在这些人中,生意做得最大的一个年收入可达80万美元——虽然这种小生意在银行看来不值一提,但却足以对一个社区产生重大影响了。沃特斯表示:“你开了一家小小的墨西哥餐厅,雇了十个人每天走路来上班。你怎可能说它不好呢?”
JPMorgan Chase spotted a way around the obstacle. Community development financial institutions (CDFIs) specialize in lending to lower-income communities. They’re usually nonprofits, and the Treasury Department exempts them from some rules that govern for-profit banks. CDFIs can take greater risks, accepting higher loan-to-value ratios and extending relatively lenient payment terms. They can also lend to entrepreneurs whose credit scores or lack of a track record would drive banks away. Guided by vice president of global philanthropy Tosha Tabron, a Detroit native with extensive CDFI experience, JPMorgan Chase chose three as partners. It has since extended more than $50 million to them through loans and grants—and given them a free hand to get it to the right places.
One such group is the Entrepreneurs of Color Fund, an initiative operated by the Detroit Development Fund (DDF). The fund has loaned $4.2 million since its inception in 2015, to 47 borrowers, “95% of whom could not get a bank loan,” according to DDF president Ray Waters. Waters and his partner groups help them develop business plans and train them in accounting and marketing, so they’re able to sustain what they build. The biggest have about $800,000 a year in revenue—too small to get attention from banks, but big enough to make a neighborhood impact. “You open a little taqueria, you’ve got 10 employees who are all walking to work” because they live nearby, Waters says. “How can you feel bad about that?”
CDFI loans typically carry interest rates of 7% or 8%, Waters says, compared with 4% to 5% for a bank business loan. That reflects both the costs of the additional support the lenders offer, and the greater risk: Default rates at DDF, at a little over 4%, are almost three times as high as the 1.35% average for commercial loans. But the nonprofits’ most successful protégés can grow large enough to be “bankable”—and look like much less risky bets.
Adrienne and A.K. Bennett, mother and son, run their plumbing and HVAC contracting firm, Benkari Mechanical, out of a cluttered cinder-block building on the city’s northwest side. Last year, Benkari got a big opportunity: The chance to work on Little Caesars Arena, Detroit’s new hockey venue. But it didn’t have the cash to cover payroll for the 60-to-90 days between when the job started and when the checks arrived—and it wasn’t well established enough to borrow it from a bank.
The Entrepreneurs of Color Fund extended a $300,000 loan to cover the costs—enabling Benkari to win the bid. The arena work has put Benkari on track for its first million-dollar year in 2017. And having proved it can skate with the pros, Benkari is a candidate for some lucrative contracts at federal buildings downtown. If the momentum continues, will the Bennetts expand their 10-person staff? “If?” retorts Adrienne. “It’s not ‘if.’ It’s ‘when.’ ”
“Oh, nice, it’s trash day,” says Dave Blaszkiewicz. “You learn a lot on trash day.” He’s piloting an enormous SUV down a narrow residential street, just north of the McNichols retail strip. To the untrained eye, the health of this block of brick bungalows might be hard to gauge. Some homes are pristine, some are run-down, some are abandoned “broken teeth.” But most have big plastic trash bins waiting for pickup in their driveways—and that’s a sign of neighborhood strength.
Blaszkiewicz is the president and CEO of InvestDetroit, a CDFI with a focus on real estate and small-business development; it’s another JPMorgan Chase partner. Working on the downtown and midtown revivals converted him to the “density is everything” mantra. Even in neighborhoods that look blighted, he says, there’s often enough pent-up demand among residents to kindle a small-business boom.
“Coe at West Village”项目将在快速复苏的地区提供混合收入住宅。照片:Marvin Shaouni
克莱蒙斯所在的CDFI就是专门从事这种项目的。利沃诺斯大道上的B. Siegel项目就是一个这样的项目。在一个炎热的下午,克莱蒙斯和他的同事又带我去了另一个项目“the Coe at West Village”的工地。该项目预计于去年11月开盘。旁边的街区有两家深受当地人喜爱的老店,一家是理发店Heavyweight Cuts,一家是烘培店Sister Pie。项目开发商克里夫·布朗带着我们四处参观。他的体型相当健硕,安全帽在他头顶小得有些滑稽。这是他作为开发商接手的第一个项目。若不是CDFI的资助,他几乎肯定申请不到传统贷款。该项目耗资约400万美元,其中差不多有一半的资金来自摩根大通。
JPMorgan Chase has invested some $30 million in Detroit-based funds that fuel that kind of growth by spotting neighborhoods that could be about to “tip.” The problem: In much of Detroit, the pockets of strength aren’t big enough, and no amount of investment can lure business back, at least right now. As Duggan puts it, “I can’t tell the shoe store or grocery store or the coffee shop where to go.”
High on the wish list for Detroit’s CDFIs was a database that could help them predict which neighborhoods could best take advantage of a push. To build one, JPMorgan Chase brought in four employees from around the country to flex their data-science muscles. The team gathered anything they could quantify about neighborhood health—number of sit-down restaurants, transit availability, quality of local schools. They looked at credit card transaction data, gleaning insights about spending patterns. And they went to dozens of neighborhood meetings to learn what kinds of businesses residents wanted. “It’s like in investment banking, where you rank an opportunity ‘green,’ ‘amber,’ or ‘red,’ ” says Joyce Chang, the bank’s New York–based global head of research for corporate and investment banking, who mentored the team.
The result was a flexible, user-friendly database that could shape decision-making. “They did in a month what would have taken someone else six,” says Blaszkiewicz. The kinds of assets that the database is designed to detect are on display in the first three eight-to-15-block “micro¬districts” targeted by Invested in Detroit—including Livernois/McNichols. Within walking distance of the desolate part of McNichols Road, for example, are two prosperous tracts, Sherwood Forest and the University District, where household incomes average around $80,000. A short distance north is the Avenue of Fashion. The shoe stores and dress shops on those blocks have a time-capsule air about them—many of the signs are of Motown vintage—but they do brisk business, and the momentum they generate could help nearby blocks grow too.
“I didn’t witness the heyday of the city,” says JPMorgan Chase’s Tabron, who grew up in the University District. But neighborhoods like hers have sustained a commercial pulse, she says, and “now we’ve got this template to expand it.”
If that template has an architectural signature, it’s the “mixed-use” building—boxy new construction that combines residential units with ground-floor retail. These projects can be a Swiss Army knife for development: They can host multiple businesses; they’re well suited to loft spaces that attract affluent renters; and they can accommodate affordable housing. Under current plans, each of the microdistricts targeted by Invested in Detroit’s partners will have at least two new mixed-use hubs.
Capital Impact, Clemons’s CDFI, specializes in these projects. The B. Siegel project on Livernois is one, and on a hot afternoon, Clemons and a colleague take me to another. We pull into a site due to open in November as “the Coe at West Village.” It sits about a block from two beloved “anchors” of the West Village neighborhood: a barbershop, Heavyweight Cuts, and a bakery, Sister Pie. Cliff Brown, a broad-shouldered man on whom a construction helmet looks comically small, shows us around. It’s one of his first projects as a developer, and he almost certainly couldn’t have financed it with a traditional loan; just under half of the $4 million cost is coming from funds backed by JPMorgan Chase.
“底特律大都会理发学院”(Metro Detroit Barber College)是一家深受社区居民喜爱的老店,可以吸引顾客光顾附近的商店。照片:Marvin Shaouni
摩根大通还资助了像“Focus: HOPE”这样的非营利组织。Focus: HOPE是一个职业性的学习中心,学生可以在这里通过“整合先进制造”课程,学习如何操作工厂中常见的机器人工具。去年5月,杜根和谢尔在新闻发布会上宣布,摩根大通将向“投资底特律”项目追加投资5000万美元,使项目总投资达到1.5亿美元。Focus: HOPE就是他们选择的投资渠道之一。学员们有时要竖起耳朵才能听见彼此的说话声,因为课堂里到处都是金属撞击的叮叮当当声。
去年8月,摩根大通宣布,将在芝加哥南区投资建设BSD职业中心,它就是以底特律的Focus: HOPE为蓝本建立的。9月晚些时候,摩根大通还将在其他三个城市启动社区支持项目,项目所用的拨款均来自摩根大通的“社区支持基金”(Pro Neighborhoods Fund)。大约就在同一时间,摩根大通还将在旧金山湾区设立一个新的“有色企业家基金”。另外,也是在去年秋天,摩根大通将对另一个美国大城市启动全套的“底特律模式”——即对小企业发展、住宅开发和就业培训进行大量投资,从而重建当地的中产阶层。
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